The Pink Haired Healthy Techie



01 Diets don't work, life style changes do

Ever gone on diet, loose a lot of weight, then go off it and gain it all back? Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the only way to ensure long-term weight loss and a lifetime of improved health. Juice Plus provides an easy way to start that lifestyle change.

02 Backed by Research

41 individual Juice Plus+ clinical studies have been conducted by researchers at leading hospitals and universities around the world. Published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

03 NSF Certification

Juice Plus+ is produced at state-of-the-art facilities that meet or exceed highest food industry standards for blending, encapsulating, and packaging. Our standards are reviewed and our facilities inspected by NSF the public health and safety company.

Not-for-profit NSF also inspects and certifies our products, as confirmed by the NSF seal on every Juice Plus+ bottle or pouch. As NSF-certified products, Juice Plus+ products undergo independent testing that ensures they meet and exceed strict guidelines for quality and safety.


01 User Research

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02 Prototyping

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03 Testing and Evaluating

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