The Pink Haired Healthy Techie

My name is Alex

I’m here as an advocate and supporter to educate the community through my personal passions of nutrition & technology. After all, technology and food are essential parts of our everyday lives and we all want to live well-balanced lives. I’m here to make sure you are not frustrated, overwhelmed, or discouraged when it comes to your health habits and technical issues, to provide tools and resources to help you improve your overall life and the life of your electronics. Let’s chat and see how I can help you get your body, health, or computer running at its peak performance

My Guarantee

Praesent at dui quis magna cursus eleifend. Morbi sed volutpat lectus. Nunc ex turpis, convallis et mattis et, luctus a elit. Fusce eu diam fermentum, tempus neque scelerisque, gravida arcu. Vestibulum ac mi feugiat, molestie mi sit amet, lacinia quam. Morbi laoreet lacinia ex, eu dictum quam malesuada id. Morbi risus orci, dictum sit amet accumsan et, posuere eu erat.

Fresh Idea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Premium Quality

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I'm Available for When needed

Donec eget purus pellentesque, tempor est ut, scelerisque ipsum. Vestibulum vel massa eget massa fringilla iaculis. Etiam dictum aliquet mi at pulvinar. Nam vitae dignissim libero.

My Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Coming Soon!

Healthy fats in nutrition.


Backed by clinical studies you can flood your body with up to 30 different fruits and vegetables every day. Helping you bridge the gap between what you should eat, and what you actually do eat.

Woman Exercising with Trainer

Exercise (Ymovement)

YMovement is dedicated to connect people to their individual “WHY”, and provide them the resources, community, and guidance to “MOVE” them forward towards achieving their overall wellness goals. Our team of YMovement coaches provide 1 on 1 support, customized fitness and nutrition guides, and a network of passionate people that will make your “WHY” their mission. Accountability. Community. Results.